Long Xuyen Bypass Opens in Vietnam, Contributing to improve of the Regional Road Network
Source: ID&E

Multinational Engineers Become One Team for Long Xuyen Bypass Project
Long Xuyen Bypass Road in Vietnam opened in June 2024. This project is an ODA project jointly supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australian Government, the Export-Import Bank of South Korea, and the Asian Development Bank. Nippon Koei and ID&E Group’s local subsidiary NIPPON KOEI VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL have formed a joint venture (NK-TEDIS-NKV-HN) with local Vietnamese companies※ (hereinafter “JV”) to provide detailed design, procurement assistances, and construction supervision services. Scope of work includes 15.3 km of new road, two major bridges, 16 minor bridges, and three major intersections.
Surveys and detailed design/shop drawing works were carried out from June 2021 to November 2021, and procurement assistances were carried out in parallel during the detailed design stage, and completed in January 2022. Constructions then began in January 2022, and after two and half years of the construction period, the opening ceremony was held on June 16, 2024. Project handover and defect liability procedures are currently ongoing as per schedule.
The opening ceremony in June 2024 was attended by more than 120 people, including Vice President of Vietnam, Vo Thi Anh Xuan, Minister of Transport, Nguyen Van Thang, and officials from central Ministries and local Authorities. Representatives from the JV (NK-TEDIS-NKV-HN) also attended the opening ceremony.

Reduce Travel Time to Half and Contributing Economic Development Throughout the Region
The Government of Vietnam aims to develop a transportation network to meet the increasing traffic demand due to rapid economic growth in Mekong Delta region. This project connects National Highway 91 which is an important transportation route connecting Can Tho City, An Giang Province and Cambodia, with the Long Xuyen City Bypass Road, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted road traffic function on the National Highway. Therefore, it is an important project for An Giang Province and Can Tho City.
Until now, it took two hours to travel by car from the Chau Doc City in An Giang Province, near the border of Cambodia, to Vam Cong Bridge in Can Tho City by using the National Highway 91, but the travel time will be reduced to about one hour by using this bypass road.
This improvement of the regional road network is being expected to ease the traffic congestions and reduce the number of traffic accidents on the roads passing through the center of Long Xuyen City, as well as to be a driving force for promoting socio-economic development, national defense, and security in the Mekong Delta region, especially in An Giang Province. Furthermore, it is expected to have a beneficial effect in connectivity with expressway projects in the Central Mekong Delta region, such as Cao Lanh Bridge, Vam Cong Bridge, connection road of Cao Lanh Bridge to Vam Cong Bridge, and Lo Te-Rach Soi connection road.
Responding to the Concerns of Soft Soil Ground and Climate Change
The biggest challenge in this project was countermeasure of the soft soil ground. Regarding design solution for smooth transition between embankment and bridge at the soft soil treatment sections in this project, the JV applied relieving slab for section nearby bridge abutments with deep soft soil ground more than 40m. And as for soil improvement methods, the cement deep mixing (CDM) method for 30m to 40m depth soft soil ground, the sand drainage compaction pile (SCP) method for 25m to 30m depth soft soil ground, and the prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) method for the remaining soft soil ground sections were applied.
As for other technical features, this project was funded by Asia Development Bank (ADB) and so, nature-based and green solutions such as applying vegetation method to cover slope surfaces of the embankments, considering sea level rise in the design, and using recycled construction materials were applied to comply with ADB requirements on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Then, BIM tools were used for detailed design and quantity management during construction.


General Manager of NKV Infrastructure
Development Department /
Deputy Project Manager of
Long Xuyen Bypass Project
Consulting services for detailed design/shop drawings; procurement assistances, and construction supervision in this project performed by the JV of NK-TEDIS-NKV-HN was highly evaluated by the Client and ADB in terms of quality and progress management of the project.
According to World Wildlife Fund, the Mekong Delta is among the top 5 Deltas in the world vulnerable to climate change, loss of alluvium, freshwater scarcity, ground settlement, and saltwater intrusion. Therefore, in the design solution, the JV has studied many solutions to propose suitable construction method, ensuring sustainability and adaptation to the climate change in this region. The results have been highly appreciated by ADB experts through the missions during the construction period.
Lastly, Long Xuyen Bypass project is a typical project, constructing climate change-adaptive roads in the Mekong Delta Region. The project was managed and operated mainly by ID&E Group with the experts from many countries united into one team to carry out the work smoothly and effectively for all the project stages from the detailed design stage and procurement assistances to the construction supervision stage. Therefore, it was also a valuable opportunity for NKV to take the next step in its consulting services.